Heya, Monster.

A SoberBlog by a TallWoman.

April: I Was Here.


(Aren’t drama masks creepy?) 

Good morning!

‘Theatre is a lifestyle’ is not an exaggeration. My sister summed it up beautifully, painfully, and accurately….. *smile*

This month has seen the first big musical production at my new school. Production staff was fabulous to work with, the kids have been positive and have grown even from just a few months before, and the families have been so supportive. Now that it’s over, we’re all exhausted, happy, and proud. A good combination, I think.

My own parents were also able to make the show, which was my favorite part. And they came to the show that far-exceeded any of the others. Which makes the time and the sharing all the sweeter. Pluuuuus, the show was being recorded that same night – something that never happens!

This morning, I actually slept in a bit. Luxurious!

And now, I am about to get ready to go in one more time to run Strike – when everything gets taken apart, cleaned, organized, and put away. My favorite day actually…. Because it takes us back to zero, and that is the place where the next show will start from…. I love it. So cathartic and healing and satisfying. And beautiful in the promise of the unknown and the daydreams and the what if’s….

Still here, still sober, folks. Two loooooong weeks away from my fam, but in actuality? The demand seemed better-balanced and shorter in duration than it has in the past. When I dug in two weeks ago, I could visualize the ending, and knew it wouldn’t be too bad. Plus, lots of podcasts to keep me busy while I worked kept me happy, and the nutritious lunches I ate at school (fact, not facetious) kept me better fueled and even-keeled than I usually am eating gas station snacks and coffee. *smile*

Day 691, What’s up next?!


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7 thoughts on “April: I Was Here.

  1. You sound wonderful! I am happy for you! šŸ™‚ I would love to see one of your shows some day. šŸ™‚
    xx, Feeling

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Sounds lovely. xx


  3. I did a lot of theatre in high school and I loved the cadence of it. Auditions, hoping to land a good part, the waiting, the cast list posted. Rehearsals, learning lines, wondering how it will all come together — then yes! It does manage to come together. The performances, all that energy and joy and nervousness bursting forth. And then Strike, a relaxed, satisfied time and a time to look forward. Seems like yesterday.


  4. Carrie Ann on said:

    AMEN! That is exactly how my experience went in directing that show I closed in March! So much EASIER without the drinking!!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Heya Monster,
    How is life? I have been a bad friend I see. I’ve been of doing things in the world, with an audit at my work I had to prepare beginnng of May. I am actually still in the process of coming back to myself. Not there yet.
    How have you been doing? Hope to find you well. It must have been difficult to come back to normal from such excitement as you have been going through in April.
    Hope to hear from you soon. šŸ™‚
    xx, Feeling

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Hello, my friend.* Things are well & good here. Actually, I just sat down to write – something I haven’t done in a million years. *smile* Hoping your return to You will will happen in a healing way. It’s difficult to be so discombobulated, isn’t it? Sending you lots of good energy. More to follow. Love, -HM.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Receiving your good energy well! šŸ™‚ Thank you. šŸ™‚ ā¤
    I had to look up dicombobulated but yes. It is difficult. Wishing I was normal…. šŸ™‚ Well, actually no! I have a boss now who is fully into my weirdness. That really helps. It is actually more soothing (?) / relaxing / whatever than having a therapist accept my weirdness. šŸ™‚
    Hope to read something from you soon! šŸ™‚
    xx, Feeling


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